Tina and Lucas

This tale tells us about friendship. it takes part in the jungle where an elephant and a bird meet each other Age group: 3-4 Created with: Stop motion Author(s): San Viator School Name: San Viator Files: https://digitalecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Tina-and-Lucas.mp4, https://digitalecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Tina-and-Lucas1.mp4

Elena, la sirena

Elena, the mermaid doesn’t obey her parents and takes risky decisions. One day she gets too close to where she shouldn’t be and … Age group: 3-7 Created with: StoryJumper Author(s): Leire de Castro & Aiala Castro School Name: San Viator Files: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/165482651/6567418529edd

El elefante Pepino

Pepino the elephant got lost but he finds two new friends who will help him Age group: 3-4 Created with: Stop motion Author(s): San Viator School Name: San Viator Files: https://digitalecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/El-elefante.mp4

El Dragón Bartolito

This story tells us about a dragon called Bartolito. He was a solitary dragon as he had problems to control his impetus. One day he decided to go to the library where he found and read a book on how to control the impetus. The next day Bartolito went to the park and … Age […]

Sound mandala

The mandala game is widely used by children. Using technology we discovered another way to use it. The children worked on expectations. Reviewing their work they began to give a sound to the various moments: they counted or emitted simple sounds that seemed to have a rhythm. For this reason we gave the title “Sound […]

I’m an apple

This video concludes a project about fruit in which the children were invited to connect grammatical sentences with the vocabulary learnt during the project. Pronouncing the sentence “I’m an apple” in addition to the follow up activity of decorating the photo encouraged repetition and improved pronunciation as well as assisting less confident children. Age group: […]

Forever friends – part two.

This scenario constitutes the second part of a work that occupied the afternoon activities of the children of the Santa Croce school, and was designed to unite the European project ECEC with another European project dealing with cinema created and aimed at younger age groups. In accordance with the principles of the Montessori method, a […]

Forever friends

This scenario constitutes the first part of a work that occupied the afternoon activities of the children of the Santa Croce school, and was designed to unite the European project ECEC with another European project dealing with cinema created and aimed at younger age groups. In accordance with the principles of the Montessori method, a […]

In the castle of TA-BOUM CHA-DIN

This scenario has been designed to promote the learning of musical durations through soft bricks play. A different sound has been attributed to each duration. These sounds were chosen from those produced by the instruments that the children use daily at school, and for each duration an instrument was designated that had characteristics compatible with […]

The balloon (EL: Το μπαλόνι)

In the neighbourhood of heaven once lived a balloon different from the others! He loved the environment very much! He wanted to travel, and his goal was to make people smile! One day he arrived in a grey city where no one was smiling. Everyone was sad because their city made them sick. And then […]