„Un libro può essere…”
Content Summary: What does a book represent for a child? It develops and nourishes child’s imagination, expanding own worlds. A
Šiame skyriuje kviečiame peržiūrėti ir išnagrinėti projekto konsorciumo sukurtus pavyzdžius, naudojantis mokymo kursuose siūlomomis skaitmeninės animacijos priemonėmis. Šie pavyzdžiai rodo teigiamą poveikį mokymo metodams, jaunųjų mokinių mokymosi patirties gerinimą ir būdus, kaip ugdyti jaunųjų mokinių įgūdžius ir gebėjimus.
Content Summary: What does a book represent for a child? It develops and nourishes child’s imagination, expanding own worlds. A
Content Summary: The aim of the video is to create and portray the snowman and to give the children as
Content Summary: This video is designed to introduce children to the numbers 1 to 5, stimulating their early interest in
Content Summary: It is designed to name the main means of transport in the air, water and land, to interest
Content Summary: Children are taught to notice and count tree leaves, the play of colours and the names of colours.
Content Summary: Children follow the fairy tale „Turnip”. The children are invited to retell the story by watching the animation.
Content Summary: Children will experience the joy of discovery and discover the secrets behind familiar vegetables. They will learn where
Content Summary: The aim of the video is to teach children to be polite and helpful. Suitable for use throughout
Content Summary: Name of activity – Doing good works feels good Objective – to develop creative and mathematical skills, logical
Content Summary: This video is about learning the shapes around us – circle, square, rectangle, etc. The protagonist travels around
Content Summary: This video is designed to introduce children to the cosmos around us. An astronaut travels through space and
Content Summary: This tale tells us the story of Pepa, a street dog adopted by the chef Leo Age group:
This tale tells us about friendship. it takes part in the jungle where an elephant and a bird meet each
Elena, the mermaid doesn’t obey her parents and takes risky decisions. One day she gets too close to where she
Pepino the elephant got lost but he finds two new friends who will help him Age group: 3-4 Created with:
This story tells us about a dragon called Bartolito. He was a solitary dragon as he had problems to control
The mandala game is widely used by children. Using technology we discovered another way to use it. The children worked
This video concludes a project about fruit in which the children were invited to connect grammatical sentences with the vocabulary
This scenario constitutes the second part of a work that occupied the afternoon activities of the children of the Santa
This scenario constitutes the first part of a work that occupied the afternoon activities of the children of the Santa
This scenario has been designed to promote the learning of musical durations through soft bricks play. A different sound has
In the neighbourhood of heaven once lived a balloon different from the others! He loved the environment very much! He
Our story is based on the life of sea turtles, who live in Greece especially in Zante. Their name is
Once upon a time in Patras near the Rio-Antirrio bridge, two babies were born who looked like two drops of
Synopsis – Aims: This animation deals with the theme of loss, as experienced by children when they see a loved
The aim of the story is to make children aware of the importance of love, acceptance, and friendship. Age group:
Our fairy tale “THE GIRL WITH THE WONDERFUL SMILE”, tells the story of a girl with down syndrome, who finds
Content Summary: Our fairy tale is an adaptation of Yannis Xanthoulis’s „Alice in the land of the fish” It’s a
Content Summary: Children learn about the basic colours and find coloured objects in their environment. The monkey catches coloured droplets.
Content Summary: Objective – to consolidate the number and sequence of numerals. Children watch a hedgehog walking with apples falling
By creating images of wildlife, children will be able to choose appropriate nature pictures-phonographs, thus developing their imagination and creativity,
Children’s creativity and imagination will be developed. Through experiential activities, children will learn about ancient pirates, ancient China, its inhabitants,
Objective – to consolidate the names of the seasons. Children will work together to learn as much as possible about
Objective – Knowing the parts of the human body. Children will learn about themselves and their body parts. They will
The volcano is an animated video which is a follow-up activity proposed during a summer camp exloring the four elements:
„The odd one out” is the second of a four book series which explores the four elements: fire, earth, water
The Lonely flame is the first of a four book series which exlores the four elements: fire, earth, water and
Es la historia del „Patito feo”. Se trata de una historia en la que se trabajan las diferencias. El principal