Gudrutis Dutis – Intellectual Disability Or Dyscalculia

TARGET GROUP: Aimed at children with special educational needs, especially recommended for children with intellectual disabilities or dyscalculia.

AGE: 3-7 years

Objective: Help children identify numbers and link them to their corresponding image.


This game is an effective tool to support the mathematical education of children with special educational needs.

These types of games are usually very motivating for children with disabilities because it does not require knowing many rules. This type of game requires children to listen to the sound of the number, identify their spelling and images and we can even expand the activity by asking the child to place chips according to the appropriate number. This is how we work not only fine motor skills but pattern recognition.

This game favors that children with intellectual/dyscalculia disabilities work, in addition:

  • Quantity and Number Recognition – Knowing numbers and learning to count are skills all children need for their curricular development. For children with special educational needs, they often need professional support and more time to acquire the knowledge. Games like this favor that the child is motivated and does not lose interest in the activity.
  • Mathematical games – Educational games that use mathematics as a basis are not only used in the learning of concepts and operations. This type of didactic game with mathematical principles are fun, helpful and easy to play.

To adapt to the level of learning, it is advisable to have the collaboration of parents and professionals who are working with the child outside the school (psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists….).

These pedagogical materials can be adapted according to the needs and abilities of the children. It is important to make sure the material is visually appealing, easy to understand and accessible to all children. In addition, the participation of professionals specialised in special education is recommended to provide guidance and adapt the material according to the individual needs of each child.