In few words, the animation process is a constant mix of two actions: drawing frames and preview the current status of the project as new frames are added in the timeline. It’s a routine, digital artist uses to switch between the Animation tab and the Player tab frequently as they build the scene, so they can check how smooth and fluid are the movements of the characters and objects they are animating. The main goal of the Player Module is to give you constant access to the render of your animation project since the first frame is drawn and anytime you need to review your work.
Tip: To switch to the Player module from other module tabs, use the shortcut Ctrl+2.
Tip: To switch quickly between the Animation and the Player tabs, press Enter key.
Besides the preview display, this module contains other components. Let’s take a closer look at them:
As any interface to reproduce audiovisual content, the Player module provides a set of controls to play, stop and play back your animation projects every time you need to. Digital artists require to review their works thousands of times as they must check the details of their animations to ensure that there are no subtle mistakes between frames and that the sensation of movement is smooth and accurate.
As a handy complement for the Player module, the Properties Panel provides a set of technical information about your project and some other useful features related to the animation display, as a shortcut to the Export module.
These are the components of the Properties Panel: