“Un libro può essere…”

Content Summary: What does a book represent for a child? It develops and nourishes child’s imagination, expanding own worlds. A book stimulates child’s sensory awareness, helping a child to see, hear, taste, feel and smell on an imagined level. Age group: 3-4 Created with: StoryJumper Author(s): Marianna Rizzo School Name: Santa Croce School, Italy Files: […]

We built the snowman

Content Summary: The aim of the video is to create and portray the snowman and to give the children as many positive emotions and joyful moments as possible. Children will experience the joys of winter, get to know the colour white, observe the colours of winter and the weather. They will learn to create and […]

My Numbers (1-5)

Content Summary: This video is designed to introduce children to the numbers 1 to 5, stimulating their early interest in numeracy and creativity in learning. The process: the child, with the help of an adult, watches the “My Numbers (1-5)” video. In the first part of the video, the child learns about the numbers 1 […]


Content Summary: It is designed to name the main means of transport in the air, water and land, to interest the child in colours, to encourage recognition and naming, and to count backwards. Observation and reaction skills are developed. Children observe a moving vehicle. The teacher says the name of the colour and the children […]

Autumn brought us many colours

Content Summary: Children are taught to notice and count tree leaves, the play of colours and the names of colours. Older children learn to recognise and name letters, read and draw. This educational tool is designed to encourage children to recognise and consolidate the colours found in autumn backgrounds. It is designed to develop mathematical […]

Fairy tale “Turnip”

Content Summary: Children follow the fairy tale “Turnip”. The children are invited to retell the story by watching the animation. The children’s memory is exercised, the characters are named, the sequence is memorised and creativity is encouraged. Age group: 3-4 Created with: Pencil2D Animation Author(s): Zita Griciuviene School Name: Marijampole kindergarten “Ruta” Files: https://digitalecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Fairy-tale-Turnip_Zita-Griciuviene_Marijampole-Ruta.mp4

Whats growing in the garden?

Content Summary: Children will experience the joy of discovery and discover the secrets behind familiar vegetables. They will learn where vegetables grow, what they are good for us and the names of vegetables. We will stimulate interest in the origin, growth, tastes and smells of vegetables. They will develop their cognitive skills through play, gain […]

Learning to be polite

Content Summary: The aim of the video is to teach children to be polite and helpful. Suitable for use throughout the school year (as required). The film is shown and the story is read, followed by a discussion. Age group: 3-5 Created with: Pencil2D Animation Author(s): Ruta Paskeviciute School Name: Marijampole kindergarten Ruta Files: https://digitalecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Learning-to-be-polite_Giedre-Paskeviciute_Marijampole-Ruta.gif

Christmas smells like ginger biscuits

Content Summary: Name of activity – Doing good works feels good Objective – to develop creative and mathematical skills, logical thinking and communication skills in preparation for Christmas. To analyse the expressive behaviour of the characters. Phase I. The screening of the film is preceded by a discussion about Christmas and the anticipation of Christmas. […]


Content Summary: This video is about learning the shapes around us – circle, square, rectangle, etc. The protagonist travels around different spaces – a ship, an underwater world, a laboratory – and explores the environment. He names the different things he sees and is very clear about what shape they are. In this video, the […]